Government Shutdown & Social Security Checks: Essential Info for Visalians

For most Americans, the looming government shutdown has brought forth serious concerns about whether it will cut off Social Security. To many of the 68 million who receive Social Security benefits, here is what would happen in a government shutdown, and how you will be protected.


The good news is that Social Security payments, which include retirement, disability benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), are not affected by a government shutdown. That’s because Social Security is funded by dedicated payroll taxes, so they don’t count on a Congressionally appropriated annually basis.

Craig Copeland, a director of wealth benefits research at the Employee Benefit Research Institute, says that as long as it has dedicated funding, “Social Security is outside of the budget process. All that money is there to be paid out. It doesn’t have to be appropriated.”
Other programs beyond the shutdown also include Medicare, Medicaid, military veterans’ benefits, and SNAP benefits.

Social Security Operate

During a government shutdown, the SSA automatically has a contingency plan. Thus, the necessary activities for making payments and running direct services would not be suspended.
According to the 2025 SSA fiscal year contingency plan:

  • Functions to be Maintained: Only activities directly relevant to correct and timely payment of benefits.
  • Non-Essential Activities Suspended: All those activities not having a direct relevance to the benefits being payable or service critical would be put in abeyance for the time being.

Local SSA Offices

Government Shutdown & Social Security Checks Essential Info for Visalians

Limited staff may be available at the local Social Security office in Visalia, California, 1901 E. Noble Ave., when a shutdown occurs. Services that are necessary to process benefits and answer questions about payments will be available, but not all services will be available in person.

Call the local office in Visalia during regular hours Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., at 866-344-8475 to have your question answered.


Unlike most federal programs, Social Security operates outside the annual budget appropriation process. Payroll taxes collected under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) ensure a steady stream of funding, regardless of the government’s fiscal status.

This structure allows the program to continue issuing checks even when other government services might pause.

What’s Next?

The current funding agreement that averted a September shutdown expires Friday. It is unclear whether an agreement will be reached. In the meantime, President-elect Donald Trump has urged Congress to act on the debt ceiling, which could make it harder to pass legislation.

At least for now, Social Security recipients can sleep easy knowing that their benefits won’t be touched by a shutdown.


Q. Will Social Security checks stop during a shutdown?

A. No, Social Security payments will be made as scheduled.

Q. Are SSI benefits impacted by a shutdown?

A. No, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will continue.

Q. What happens to local SSA offices during a shutdown?

A. Local offices may have reduced staffing but essential services continue.

Q. Why is Social Security not impacted by shutdowns?

A. It is funded by dedicated payroll taxes, not annual appropriations.

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